People don’t ask questions ,that much, about the how/why of the INTERNET..., but they do are afraid, are critical , have resistance to the INNERNET...Why??? Why is it so difficult to understand? The incredible INNER-NET is always there? Always available? There is always connection to it? No need for extern 4G or WiFi .... the mind, the EGO that rules to much and so is in the way ... as a disturbance as there can be when having problems with internet... Realise that the mind is a TOOL, not the ruler! It is there only to help and facilitate you... Therefore ones and a while closing that App :”the mind” : close all those illusion stories that you even believe are true..., close the ideas that you believe of your self... you are none of them.... other wise you would not be able to observe them.... so free your self and close that “MIND APP” use it for what it is designed for. Make more space available for the HEART app and BELLY (GUT) app ... so be still turn inwards, listen to the stories of your body , breath , hug nature, hug animals, hug people in a conscious way , pauze!, and so give space for the heart and belly to speak and connect with your inner truth! The gut feeling & the heart and its mysterious messages So live a life with your INNERNET fully wired , passioned, grateful, thankful , full of compassion, peaceful, in surrender, in LOVE HARI OM TAT SAT